Monday, November 21, 2011

Like a movie.

Do you ever just think to yourself that maybe if your life was a movie, it would be a pretty good one? Or when you walk down the street or stick your head out of a car window that your life could so easily be a play? You can see the set around you: The large cameras around you, the lights angled directly on your face so they cast a sunshine like glow around you. With your iPod blasting, it's like in happy movies when the lead is walking on a cracked sidewalk with bouncy music playing and cars rushing by. Suddenly you notice all of the colors around you that would make the movie sparkle. You feel like dancing along beside the cars and bikers. Like a whip, reality comes crashing down on you and you snap back into the realization that no one is watching you. You are completely alone. No spectators. No audience. No crowd. No director. Life is just stringing itself along like the pearls on your neck. The cameras have disappeared and the people are gone. Leaving you walking on the old cement past faceless strangers who are more concerned with not getting robbed than enjoying the scenery as i do. I dont know how i would survive if i didnt like to be on stage. The world is just my stage and the people are my cameras. Make every moment an exciting one so as to please the cameras and yourself. Throw out the script-rewrite the day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh. This is why I want you to blog every day. You are an amazing writer, you have such a vivid storytelling way about you. I absolutely cannot wait to see you on stage! I love that your every word is dripping with happiness. You are SUCH an amazing person. I am so happy that I get to live with you for the next 5+ years!!!
