Tuesday, May 31, 2011

R.I.P Olivia


My dearest camera, who has stayed with me through many events and times in my life, officially died on May 30, 2011.
She had a long life of approximatively 5 months.
Surviving through thick and thin, Olivia endured harsh climates, raging animals, card games, baking, adventures too adventurous to even think about, and still managed to stick by my side.
Her happy spirit will live on, and we will always have her in our hearts.

Please note that she is the first camera i have ever killed....ever

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I have a very sad announcement

Recently I have discovered something very very tragic that just had to happen to ME....My computer has NO MORE ROOM LEFT. Recently I've been seeing this little balloon thing on my computer screen saying that i have LOW DISC SPACE. Which means that I can't upload ANYTHING to my computer INCLUDING PHOTOS which means that i CAN'T POST ANY PHOTOS which makes me SAD :( meeehhhh..... I need to get an external hard drive. a cheap one. and soon. So i don't think you'll be seeing any NEW photos for a while now. MEH

Thursday, May 19, 2011


This made me smile :)
Hope you had a better day than this poor kid 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

An inside look at my after school life.

 This is basically my homework station.
And no. I was not on facebook or any other website that would distract me from my tiny little mountain of homework. 

 I was listening to music :) wonderful music

that darn homework of mine.
The only good part about my homework today was getting to draw pictures (clearly unfinished) for my french project. In this funny soon to be stick figure drawing, there is (left to right) me, mommy, brother, Pear, and yes..... Erin... it is you.

Ahhh!!!!! it had been cloudy all day but then there was sun! and sky! YAY!

Then i got bored and decided to see what i would look like with red hair by using Adobe Firework. haha i like my blonde hair much better :) 
Sooooo i guess that you could say that today was almost as normal as every other day for me.
Just thought i would share it :)

Oh how i love my adorable rainbow shoes :)

My shoes are BRILLIANT. Absolutely BRILLIANT.

Though my red ones are officially the oldest shoes i have ever kept in decent condition, they are still my second favorite. My black ones rule :P