Thursday, June 23, 2011

thinking cap

so i'm sitting here on my bed with my legs crossed and my hair and a scarf wrapped up in a shower cap.
this may sound a little weird.
let's call it my 'thinking cap' because i am currently not using it for shower purposes.
at the moment i am thinking about my upcoming adventure to UTAH for one of one of my most wonderful cousins WEDDING to a quite wonderful man who will soon be my second cousin? yea. i think that's right.
ANYWAY, i'm also thinking about my adventure to WASHINGTON with Erin and Pear which will so much fun that i think they'll end up making it a holiday called, "The Scarry Pear *wooshing air in the background*" for those of you that have no idea what i'm talking about, i guess you just had to be there. so instead of calling the holiday something as mysterious and confusing as "The Scarry Pear", we'll just have to call it... hmmm.... "Ultra Grammy Camp Month"!!! Most of you know what i'm talking about so i'll just leave it like that.
i'm also thinking about how next week, every morning i'm going to do pilates with Ana Caban. no, she's not my friend. ha. she's actually the chick from the pilates dvd that we have. sure it's hard but that's how it's supposed to be. 
i think i need more followers, so if you just um, you know, advertise for me, that would be so incredibly awesome. just tell them that i'm a poor little french girl that had to kayak to the states from my very small villiage of Bonuu which is, indeed, located in the center of france. which means that in order to get to the Atlantic Ocean i first had to runaway from my home and sleep in other peoples gardens while i escaped the french gaurds that were trying to track me down to bring me back to my family. and then when i finally made it to the ocean and didn't know what i was to do next, a kayak erupted from the water. so naturally i climbed in and started to paddle away with my very strong muscles that i had gained from watering flowers with VERY heavy watering cans.
i paddled and paddled until, after what seemed to be years, i arrived in new jersey and had to teleport from inside a subway station, because you can apparently only teleport when in a subway station. i suddenly arrived in california where a nice nice family took me in and showed me how to blog about my tragic story and how i still lived to tell about it.
if you can still remember when that story started then you would also remember that that story is what you're going to tell your friends/fellow blogspeople in order to convince them to follow my blog. 

or just tell them that my name is scarlett and she really wants some more followers :)


so last night, i was lying in bed, right? when suddenly, like a tsunami, an idea came to me.
we're running low on hairclips in our house and i've been having the urge to make fabric flower hairclips. i realized that what i had to do was this:

make the flower things...

get the one and only hairclip in our house...
and then hot-glue a little tube thing made out of fabric to the back of the flower.
then you can put the clip through the loop and put it on!
so now i can make several interchangeable flowers and hair accessories and only have to use one clip!
of course..there is always the option of actually going to the store and BUYING some more hairclips.
but this is way more fun. 

my most fabulous model :)

she just left today to go party it up on the beach with her friend *sigh*
it's okay. i have you blogger people, right?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

a cute summer flower

up with the fishes

okay. it's summer, is it not?
well then why on earth did i wake up at 6 o'clock IN THE MORNING!!!!
after i hardly get ANY sleep at all to begin with because i was so burning hot!
is this some kind of cruel act of nature? determined to make me tired and bleh?
i'd say that i probably only got 5 1/2 hours of sleep last night
and if you knew me, you would know that i cannot go to sleep after i've been awake for longer than 10 minutes.
grrr now i'm gonna be tired all day :(

don't worry though.
cause i'll do it with style

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

my hair

so basically, i love my hair.
it's magical.
mermaid like.
or, i should be saying, was.

 see how long it is!!!
i mean... was? ha. i need to get used to this.

oh how wonderful it is!!!
the feeling of my hair that was once weighing me down is gone!!!
I am simply in love with it!!!

blog away people!!!

it's not a crime..without a lime

i have lots of clothes.

it can't possibly be considered a crime..? Most of them are hand-me-downs or long sleeves (which are completely useless now that it's 100 degrees here).
i have a closet (not necessarily my own), i have a dresser, and i have a very large drawer in another dresser. i don't use this large drawer because i always forget that i have it and pretty soon i can't find the clothes that i was looking for because that dresser ate them!!
*sigh* i should give some away. but i just did that last month! man i have no idea how i'm going to be able to fit any more clothes into that messy drawer (above) (which is actually slightly cleaner on other days) when i go shopping this summer.....

oh well

My temporary new old camera!!!

i am so happy.
it's probably because i got a temporarily new old camera from my own mother's "HM"

sure. it's old but it makes a cool 'click' sound when it takes a picture XD

 now i can take pictures galore while i wait to see if my old camera (olivia) can be fixed.
muhahaha call me the paparazzi cause i'll be taking pictures of EVERYTHING!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


well. let's just say that today was perfect. the sun was shining and the grass was green! i believe i wrote these exact same words in my journal today. here. see for yourself:
June 19

such a wonderful day. seriously! the sun is up and there's not a cloud in the sky! it's also father's day but my ultimately miraculous father had to work all day :( so pear and i are at the park surrounded by some cute little trees. we stretched out our beach blue striped beach towel on this little patch of prickly green grass near the parking lot and a soccer field where some (not so cute) guys are playing soccer. We're underneath this cute little (yes everything is cute and little today :P) tree that's in the sun so it's leaves  leave (or leaf. get it? leaf instead of leave? bahaha) this shadow of lots of little moving distorted dots; amoebas  of light... uh oh... the ice cream truck is here.. oh thank goodness it's not playing the music!!!... but.. oh no... LITTLE KID MOB!!!! oh phew... they're gone. ok. moving on. I'm getting my haircut on tuesday :) :) :) :) i'm cutting it to my shoulders (i think? something like that) and it's going to be suuuuper cute! I mean sure i'll miss my long hair but it's going to be magical. well, i feel like reading my book. why yes! it does happen to be, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" a.k.a Hp7. so i'll talk to ya later journal!!


basically after that i read a lot and i think i got a total of like 120 pages??? i have no idea. oh i would also like to thank all the magnificent fathers out there that are so great to us little tiny children :) specifically my dad! LOOVE YOU DAD!!! i'll miss you when i'm gone this summer!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

microsoft SURFACE

Dear Mother,
i have just discovered a very interesting device that will be going on my christmas list.

 it's called the microsoft surface. It's basically a touchscreen table!!

i would have so much fun with one of these.

and even though i CANT have one of these (at the moment), when i'm rich and famous i'm going to buy one for everyone i know! bet y'all can't wait for that 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Two words... cherry trees

Cherries. These beautiful fruit things that grow on magnificently green trees just tall enough to reach up and grab handful of ripe cherries. beautiful. Cherries, being as messy as they are, double as a fruit AND a lipstick. Truly fabulous. Now you don't have to hitch a ride down to Sephora but just grab a few cherries off a tree in your backyard before you go to work. I know i would!

happy blogging!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Getting used to summer

3 days into summer and i think i'm actually getting used to the fact that school will be out for another 8 weeks. It's just as fabulous as i expected... swimming/ hot-tubbing, blogging, biking, sitting in the sun, chalking my own driveway with my friends, redvines, pringles, apricots. Marvelous. truly marvelous. Though we are temporarily swallowed by the SF summer fog, it's okay because we still manage to find adventures. Just to see if I can actually do it, I am going to try and make a blog post a day for a week straight starting now! I know what you're thinking... i've already tried doing this back in February but i was going to do it for a month!! crazzzyyyyy. But now it's summer so i have more free time and it's only for a week so i can see how long i can keep up with it after. But for now I'm doing alright. 

happy blogging!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

5 things about me that may or may not be socially acceptable

I feel like a follower by doing this but whatever. Erin and Pear gave me this wondrous idea of posting 5 things that make me ME. Here we go:

1. I love to lay on the ground. I don't know there's just something so cool about the feeling of your lungs being crushed by gravity. No one else that I know likes to lay flat on the ground cause they think its weird. hmph. i disagree.

2.  I love whales TO DEATH. They are so adorable. i have a stuffed animal and his name is.....(can you guess).... whale-eee. yea he's pretty rockin. He normally does my homework with me but it's SUMMER now. I also really love ostrich's, giraffes, zebras, and Lions. Basically all  African animals are neat-o.

3. I still play on my Nintendo DS (the really old one)-animal crossing, mario cart, super mario world, etc. It is one of my  favorite pastimes these days. The only problem is that now my sister is in love with it too so i have limited time on it before she starts to play. Like now for example; she's sitting next to me playing animal crossing. You're so cute pear :)

4. I love to draw. I draw trees most of the time but i also love to doodle. Like on every page of my homework this year there was a flower or a tree or a really happy smiley face. On my wall next to my bed i have a huge piece of paper that literally covers half of it that i have yet to fill with my crazy little drawings.

5. I can never keep up a journal. Even though I try I just can never seem to keep it going. Just like my blog. i'll be really into it for like a week and then it'll just die down and then when i finally get back to it so much has already passed that i don't know where to start and i leave out a ton of stuff. it's really too bad but I can't help it. I have a short attention span for most things (except for Harry Potter books).

SPEAKING OF HARRY POTTER!!! i'm gonna brake the rules here and make a 6TH thing about me that may or may not be socially acceptable. hehe.

6. I love Harry Potter books! I have read all 7 in something like a year. I believe I have read the first and second book twice and now I'm reading the 6th one again. What can I say? They're REALLY REALLY GOOD! I make myself sound like i'm addicted but I really wouldn't call it that. I'd say i am just....enthusiastic!!

I know that these things may not be what some consider socially acceptable, but they are what make me, me. What things make you, YOU?

If you're going to jump, jump with both feet

Today is my first day of summer (yes it actually came!) and my sister and i went down to the clubhouse to play pool. She had fun teaching me and i ALMOST won (no, we didn't get pictures). I now actually get why they make 'magic 8 balls' hehe i know... i'm lame . So once we were done playing pool, we went down to the pool and the funny part is that we always have really deep conversations there. Example: today it was about what kind of haircuts we wanted for the summer. For like an hour we were sitting there (freezing might i add as we were in San Francisco) throwing out pros and cons about having shorter hair. Here's the list:


  • it's lighter
  • cute-on most people
  • way easier to do stuff with-i.e curl, natural, up, straight
  • It's something different than what you've had for SO LONG
  • It's fun :)
  • if you end up not liking it, you have to wait for it to grow out (6 months or an entire year!!)
  • might not go well with the shape of your face???- i have no idea
  • I like my long hair :(
After sifting through these same ideas for what seemed like ages, we finally came to a conclusion. I am going to cut my short. Not middle length short but SHORT. No, not a bob either. More like shoulder length or SOMETHING. So yes. I have made my decision. I shall get a haircut by July and there is no way that it will be a BORING haircut. no no no.... this will be a fun haircut.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


It's strange... I don't think i've ever been stung by a bee before. At least not before today. Okay. Here's the story....

It was during lunch and i had just gotten my yearbook like 5 minutes before. So me and my friends went back over to the line and chat with our other friends who were still waiting to get their own yearbook. So we're standing there, right? when I start to get irritated with my bangs i reach up and pull something out of it that felt like a really crumpled and fuzzy leaf. Without even looking at it i realize that it's a bug, scream, and throw the fuzzy down at the basketball court. Then suddenly a sharp pain in my index finger causes me to freak out (which made my friends give me strange looks and back away slightly) and flick away a tiny black needle with yellow fuzz on one if its ends. Shocked by the pain and, well, the incident itself, i start jumping up and down smiling and saying 'i got stung by a bee!!' My excitement obviously confused my friends because they looked at me as though I was actually proud of being stung. hehe. I wasn't proud i was more like surprised and happy that the pain hurt 10x less than i expected. 
So now instead of telling people that i've never been stung by a bee before (and seeing their baffled expressions) i have a magnificent story to tell- the day before i got out of 7th grade i was stung by a bee in the yearbook line!! Just watch. One day they'll be writing a book about.

1 day away

I cannot believe it... I only have 1 day left until i am free from prison (school)!!!!! Oh how i love this life i'm living.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

When is summer going to arrive?

So basically.... We've been getting a LOT of this lately:
But pretty soon.... i HOPE..... that we will be getting a lot more of this:
I know... that is a super mario Sun Sprite thing. But you should get the idea.

Plus I'm not even out of school yet so it makes it ultimately more frustrating. >:( 
Oh well. I'm still suuuper excited for the summer (if it does ever come) because we have got some pretty rocking things coming up!!!
