Monday, August 29, 2011


can you believe that a year ago today i made my very first post?
i was so excited to make my blog.
though i have changed it so many times i cant even remember what it looked like when i started it,
i love it :)
we've had our ups and downs and i've neglected you on occasion and made only a post a month for a while.
but nothing can split us up because we were made for eachother. 
im so glad i have you to vent to and ramble about my days.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

what i make on weekends :)

in case you cant see what they're saying, the little dog is pepe, "ruff!". and the first guy on top of the train is saying, "c'mon pepe! he's getting away!" bahahahaha i love paint :)

oh so tired

i haven't blogged in about a week. that's basically because school started and i didn't have much to really talk about unless you're truly interested in how much homework i've had. but what's also been taking up my time is youtube :)
youtube is soooo addicting. ive basically just been watching people's vlogs.
for those of you who have no idea what a vlog is it stands for 'video blogging'.
vlogging looks like so much fun.
lately i've been hearing the phrase "you're too young"... A LOT
now i realize that at my age there are some restrictions, like driving a car. obviously i cant drive a car 
because i am, in this case, too young. but with other things, like, let's just say, vlogging, i would consider myself old enough. there is the problem with 'stalkers' but its not like they're gonna track me down just from watching a video were i don't give away any personal information but in a way vlogging and blogging are the same because blogging is where you give up pictures to the public and talk about everything that you did, where vlogging also basically does the same thing without photos at all. just video. ha. now im just rambling, which is my talent.
i just wanted to say that school is going good and i got a memory card for my camera (YAY!) and i can start uploading some pictures as soon as i take some! :)

happy blogging :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011


okay so remember my lovely little camera that died back in may?
well it came back to life! we had it sent into nikon to see if they could fix it and THEY DID! i'd have a picture of it now but my memory card kinda got thrown out on accident hehe so we have to buy a new one BUT WHO CARES! I HAVE A CAMERA AND I LOVE IT!


a few funny summer moments...


this post is a little late.. BUT.. it still happened. last week. it was awesome. enjoy :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

this is amazing

so. apparently in Paris, France, people stop by the Pont des Arts bridge with their dearest companions and attach a lock to the railing. Then they toss the key over the edge into the seine river below to show their eternal devotion and love to eachother
to me that is just so amazing. one day i'll attach a lock to this railing. and yes, i will be with someone ;)

im so going to africa.

who's coming?

i just looooove pinterest :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


as much as i love being home and everything.....
don't you wish you could be back here instead?

Operation... last week of summer

7 more days.
can you believe how fast it went by?
this summer was like.... woah....
there are several more things i need to do before i actually go to school though...

  • school supplies... i think we need a few more notebooks
  • dance
  • be lazy for a day (ha that should be easy)
  • do something epic..
  • figure out what im gonna wear on the first day of school- oh the pressure
  • see the 8th harry potter movie
  • get the movies: tangled, harry potter 7 part 1, soul surfer, cinderella, snow white
  • dance some more
  • BLOG

For erin....

can you do this on your hair?

Can i have these?

love these
and possibly....
this dress hehehe

Monday, August 15, 2011

7 3/4 days till school!

i have to admit...
i am a little dissapointed with my class schedule... 
probably cause i only have like 1 class with my ultimately awesome friends...
and we don't even have lunch together!!!
this is a tragedy. they could make a movie of it...
(it'd be kinda depressing)
but it's okay!
even if i don't have any idea where any of my classrooms are!!!
life will go on and i will have fun laughing at all of the 5th period p.e kids that have to run when i have lunch :) muhahahaha

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Live music

so there was this concert that happened every thursday night over in washington and one of the nights that we went we saw Vicci Martinez-the girl on 'the voice'- and the whole place was crowded. and by place i mean the grass behind a hotel. ha. well, she was pretty good. then the next time that we went we saw Vince Mira who sang songs by Johnny Cash-he was pretty good too. 


Oh how we just love the beach.

such a wonderful way to spend a day.. :)

once upon a time....

....there were two girls who spent their summer in a place where....
they would use extremely slow computers outside in the sun...

and would read while we waited for the internet to load.

 and bake....
 and swing- spider :)