Thursday, June 9, 2011


It's strange... I don't think i've ever been stung by a bee before. At least not before today. Okay. Here's the story....

It was during lunch and i had just gotten my yearbook like 5 minutes before. So me and my friends went back over to the line and chat with our other friends who were still waiting to get their own yearbook. So we're standing there, right? when I start to get irritated with my bangs i reach up and pull something out of it that felt like a really crumpled and fuzzy leaf. Without even looking at it i realize that it's a bug, scream, and throw the fuzzy down at the basketball court. Then suddenly a sharp pain in my index finger causes me to freak out (which made my friends give me strange looks and back away slightly) and flick away a tiny black needle with yellow fuzz on one if its ends. Shocked by the pain and, well, the incident itself, i start jumping up and down smiling and saying 'i got stung by a bee!!' My excitement obviously confused my friends because they looked at me as though I was actually proud of being stung. hehe. I wasn't proud i was more like surprised and happy that the pain hurt 10x less than i expected. 
So now instead of telling people that i've never been stung by a bee before (and seeing their baffled expressions) i have a magnificent story to tell- the day before i got out of 7th grade i was stung by a bee in the yearbook line!! Just watch. One day they'll be writing a book about.


  1. Love the story..... and can't wait to read the book!!! Love you Scar!! :)

  2. ahahaha! too cute scar!
    and weird. but thats ok because i love you!
    p.s. Just wait till you get stung by a wasp! It hurts like 12 times more than that!!!

  3. Ahhh! How did I miss this?? Curses to work, etc. Laughing out loud in my bed reading about my crazy lovely fabulous daughter! xoxoxox
