Tuesday, July 26, 2011


i am currently not myself at the moment because i have what appears to be something like a cold. eating top-ramen and curled up in front of the fireplace... cough drops and water by my side... id post pictures of this tragedy but i dont have my camera uploader and this computer is the slowest on the entire west cost. i've been reading like there's no tomorrow- harry potter, of course! and look like i've just been drowned.. not quite as dead though. i surprisingly have energy but just not as much as usual so it's turning me into a zombie. anyways! how's everyone doing? good? great? BETTER than great? AMAZING? glad to hear it! keep blogging cause i want to know what everyones up to!!!

     -that poor little girl who you used to see skipping down the road..

1 comment:

  1. my dearest Scarlett. I am so sorry to hear that you have been feeling under the weather. Speaking of weather, I hear it's not so great up there either. BUT you are lucky enough to be spending time with the BEST sister ever and the most AMAZING grams and gramps. I hope you get in TONS of reading time....I am ever so jealous. To curl up with a good book, by a fireplace is simply one of my most favorite pasttimes, it is only second to reading on the beach. I love you so much darling neice of mine. Enjoy your summer, you'll remember these days oh so fondly.
    Love always, your Aunt Amy :)
