Tuesday, July 12, 2011

oh my goodness

it has just been too long! i know, 7 days may not seem like a very long time but still... i have been very busy venturing around Washington with my sister, cousin, and wonderful grandparents. and there's also the slight problem that we've had absolutely no internet on the farm. that's why i am currently reporting from my aunts house in Seattle. i realize it's not exactly IN Seattle but there are creepers in this world so let's just keep it this way ;)  i never realized how much i appreciate tmy blog. i mean, it's so much fun and we all get explosive when we post (like right now: erin and pear are sitting next to me blogging away and laughing hysterically about something that some people may or may not find hilarious.... hehe.. we are finding it extremely funny) there i go again!!!! rambling. haha.i just have one last thing to say.

 internet is amazing.

1 comment:

  1. definitely the truth!! So glad you are blogging as you enjoy your summer...I miss you guys, but I know you are having GRAND adventures so keep having fun. I love ya!
