Sunday, June 19, 2011


well. let's just say that today was perfect. the sun was shining and the grass was green! i believe i wrote these exact same words in my journal today. here. see for yourself:
June 19

such a wonderful day. seriously! the sun is up and there's not a cloud in the sky! it's also father's day but my ultimately miraculous father had to work all day :( so pear and i are at the park surrounded by some cute little trees. we stretched out our beach blue striped beach towel on this little patch of prickly green grass near the parking lot and a soccer field where some (not so cute) guys are playing soccer. We're underneath this cute little (yes everything is cute and little today :P) tree that's in the sun so it's leaves  leave (or leaf. get it? leaf instead of leave? bahaha) this shadow of lots of little moving distorted dots; amoebas  of light... uh oh... the ice cream truck is here.. oh thank goodness it's not playing the music!!!... but.. oh no... LITTLE KID MOB!!!! oh phew... they're gone. ok. moving on. I'm getting my haircut on tuesday :) :) :) :) i'm cutting it to my shoulders (i think? something like that) and it's going to be suuuuper cute! I mean sure i'll miss my long hair but it's going to be magical. well, i feel like reading my book. why yes! it does happen to be, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" a.k.a Hp7. so i'll talk to ya later journal!!


basically after that i read a lot and i think i got a total of like 120 pages??? i have no idea. oh i would also like to thank all the magnificent fathers out there that are so great to us little tiny children :) specifically my dad! LOOVE YOU DAD!!! i'll miss you when i'm gone this summer!!!


  1. ill miss dad too! but i love the little (ha yes little) amoebas of light. youre such a writer! ily scar :)

  2. ily too pear!! the park is always fun with you! especially when we accidently sit in the exact same positions (and then you get mad at me)! still good memories XD
