Thursday, June 23, 2011


so last night, i was lying in bed, right? when suddenly, like a tsunami, an idea came to me.
we're running low on hairclips in our house and i've been having the urge to make fabric flower hairclips. i realized that what i had to do was this:

make the flower things...

get the one and only hairclip in our house...
and then hot-glue a little tube thing made out of fabric to the back of the flower.
then you can put the clip through the loop and put it on!
so now i can make several interchangeable flowers and hair accessories and only have to use one clip!
of course..there is always the option of actually going to the store and BUYING some more hairclips.
but this is way more fun. 

my most fabulous model :)

she just left today to go party it up on the beach with her friend *sigh*
it's okay. i have you blogger people, right?

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