Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I'll meet you at Walmart!

we were pretty surprised (at least us Californian's were) that there was such a thing as a 75 cent movie theatre when we went to see Soul surfer. it was such a great movie. i ALMOST cried. almost. :P afterwards we watched the fireworks that went off in the parking lots in anticipation of the 4th of July and then begged our parents to take us to Walmart. when they asked why our only response was "why not?" We got our wish and the whole way there we were yelling out the windows at random people saying "YEAH FOR WALMART" and "I'LL MEET YOU AT WALMART!!" we sang about it too :) bahaha. when we got there we met up with the Spencer family and ran through the isles of bouncy balls and tires, human bowling and riding bikes through the store. eventually we ran into the happy couple, Lex and Brian, while they were on a mission to find headphones! The whole night ended with us taking an illegal photograph in the store and eating ice cream sandwiches in the parking lot :) You can't say that we don't know how to party.

1 comment:

  1. loved seeing you guys! hope you're having a blast at yellowstone! love the wildlife!
